Maria-Elena Torres-Padilla hon­oured with Leib­niz Prize

Maria-Elena Torres-Padilla hon­oured with Leib­niz Prize

ISAR Bioscience con­grat­u­lates Maria-Elena Torres-Padilla, Mem­ber of the Board of the Found­a­tion, on win­ning the Leib­niz Prize 2025.

The Ger­man Research Found­a­tion (DFG) today announced the award of the Leib­niz Prize 2025 to Maria-Elena Torres-Padilla. Maria-Elena Torres-Padilla is a mem­ber of the Board of the Found­a­tion for Stem Cell Research and Applied Regen­er­at­ive Medi­cine, which owns ISAR Bioscience.

Since 2016, Torres-Padilla has been Dir­ector of the Stem Cell Cen­ter at Helm­holtz Zen­trum München and Pro­fessor of Stem Cell Bio­logy at Lud­wig Max­imili­ans Uni­ver­sity Munich. She con­ducts research into the mech­an­isms under­ly­ing cell plas­ti­city, i.e. the abil­ity of cells to adapt to their envir­on­ment. Her focus is primar­ily on epi­gen­etic pro­cesses, i.e. the cel­lu­lar pro­cesses that influ­ence the activ­ity of genes due to envir­on­mental influ­ences. A mile­stone in her research is the dis­cov­ery of the epi­gen­etic factors that con­trol the first step of repro­gram­ming – from the very early “toti­po­tent” stem cells to the embry­on­ally dif­fer­en­ti­ated cells.

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