Gen­ome Editing

Gen­ome Editing

From the first pro­ject idea to the com­plete imple­ment­a­tion of gen­ome engin­eer­ing pro­jects: We are com­mit­ted and reli­able at your side. Our experts at the ISAR Bioscience Gen­ome Edit­ing Facil­ity have solid know-how and a state-of-the-art infra­struc­ture, which they are happy to make avail­able to indus­trial part­ners and aca­demic research groups.

In the pre-launch phase, we help you identify the best cel­lu­lar model. We offer to per­form gen­ome engin­eer­ing pro­jects entirely at our ISAR Bioscience Gen­ome Edit­ing Facil­ity. Our port­fo­lio of dif­fer­ent modi­fic­a­tions includes single-gene knock­outs, dis­ease-spe­cific mono-allelic point muta­tions, single-gene tags and reporter knock-ins.

Our reli­able strategy for mul­ti­plex­ing the expres­sion of rel­ev­ant gRNAs enables the dele­tion of lar­ger gen­omic regions, as well as small (micro-) and longer non-cod­ing RNAs. ISAR Bioscience’s gene edit­ing ser­vice is offered for human induced pluri­po­tent stem cells (iPS) as well as for cell cul­ture lines such as HEK293 and CHO. If other cell sys­tems are required, we offer a full val­id­a­tion ser­vice prior to engin­eer­ing a cus­tomer cell line.

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