Meas­ure­ments to accom­pany (pre-)clinical studies

Meas­ure­ments to accom­pany (pre-)clinical studies

ISAR Bioscience provides ELISA-based assay devel­op­ment accord­ing to good labor­at­ory prac­tice (GLP) on a fee-for-ser­vice basis, e. g. for the detec­tion of drugs or other agents or for anti­body detec­tion in blood samples or other body liquids. The assays can be used for phar­ma­cokin­etic stud­ies or anti­body determ­in­a­tions in human or animal blood samples, e.g. dur­ing pre­clin­ical or clin­ical studies.
Sim­il­arly, detec­tion and quan­ti­fic­a­tion of spe­cific T lymph­o­cytes and sub­sets is being car­ried out from patient blood samples accord­ing to strict qual­ity man­age­ment (QM) stand­ards. These meas­ure­ments are provided for dia­gnostic and thera­peutic (pre-)clinical stud­ies, e. g. to detect SARS-CoV2-spe­cific T cells.

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