Human iPS cells

Human iPS cells

Based on many years of exper­i­ence, we develop effi­cient and robust pro­to­cols for the dif­fer­en­ti­ation of human induced pluri­po­tent stem cells (hiPSCs) into dif­fer­ent cell types. We use state-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gies to char­ac­ter­ize the cells at key stages of their dif­fer­en­ti­ation. The focus is on estab­lish­ing sys­tem­atic and struc­tured qual­ity con­trols, optim­ized pro­ced­ures for large-scale cell pro­duc­tion and con­tinu­ous improve­ment of dif­fer­en­ti­ation pro­to­cols to obtain the desired cell type repro­du­cibly and in high pur­ity. Cur­rently, our range includes hiPSC-derived cells of the three germ lay­ers ecto­derm, meso­derm and endo­derm, for example haema­topoi­etic pro­gen­itor cells, car­diac pro­gen­itor cells, neural pro­gen­itor cells, microglia, mac­ro­phages, cor­tical neur­ons, astro­cytes and car­di­omyo­cytes. 2D Alzheimer’s dis­ease mod­els are also available.

Do you need organoid-based dis­ease mod­els for cell ther­apy and drug dis­cov­ery? After joint spe­cific­a­tion of the cell type or dis­ease model, we can real­ize the pro­ject for you. We also offer this ser­vice in com­bin­a­tion with gen­ome edit­ing. In col­lab­or­a­tion with our spe­cial­ists, you determ­ine pro­to­cols and pro­ced­ures for the pro­duc­tion and com­plete char­ac­ter­isa­tion and val­id­a­tion of the desired cell types.

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