We are look­ing for you

ISAR Bioscience com­bines the best of two worlds:
aca­demic ambi­tion and entre­pren­eur­ial thinking.
See for yourself.

We are look­ing for you

ISAR Bioscience com­bines the best of two worlds: aca­demic ambi­tion and entre­pren­eur­ial think­ing. See for yourself.

Job Offers

ISAR Bioscience GmbH is a newly foun­ded trans­la­tional research com­pany in Planegg near Munich, fun­ded by the Free State of Bav­aria. Our com­pany is grow­ing and we are look­ing for com­pet­ent, com­mit­ted employees.

  • Dr. Chris­ti­ane Schiegerl
    Dr. Chris­ti­ane Schiegerl

    Please do not hes­it­ate to con­tact me if you have any questions.


Do you have ques­tions regard­ing our job offers?
Please give us a call

We are look­ing for you!

Apply now

Send us your applic­a­tion to recruitment@isarbioscience.de or apply dir­ectly via this form.

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    Upload a pdf file with your doc­u­ments (up to 5 files, up to 10 MB) 

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