Insights into
our work

From the basics to clin­ical development:
Find out about cur­rent pro­jects and how our ideas
may become the medi­cine of tomorrow.

Insights into our work

From the basics to clin­ical devel­op­ment: Find out about cur­rent pro­jects and how our ideas may become the medi­cine of tomorrow.


ISAR Bioscience works on pro­jects ded­ic­ated to wide­spread degen­er­at­ive dis­eases. Our own research and the cooper­a­tion with external research groups go hand in hand. There are many tech­nical and con­cep­tual links and inter­ac­tions between our indi­vidual projects.
In the area of research and devel­op­ment, we pur­sue pro­jects that are essen­tially pre­clin­ical: they aim to develop and study model sys­tems that mimic cer­tain dis­eases. Other pro­jects that are expec­ted to lead more dir­ectly to new ther­apies and drugs are grouped together in the area of medicine.

ISAR Bioscience also devel­ops tech­no­lo­gies that are used in the devel­op­ment and test­ing of poten­tial drugs. A num­ber of tech­no­logy plat­forms serve this pur­pose. Stem cell tech­no­lo­gies play a cent­ral role. We use them to cre­ate new dis­ease mod­els that expand our know­ledge of the causes and mech­an­isms of degen­er­at­ive dis­eases. The mod­els also help us to dis­cover and develop new thera­peutic prin­ciples. In another tech­no­logy plat­form, we are invest­ig­at­ing the inter­ac­tions between cells; many known and most likely also many future drugs inter­fere in vari­ous ways with such mechanisms.

Our research is sub­ject to strict qual­ity man­age­ment. We integ­rate the require­ments of drug author­it­ies already at early stages of our research in order to pave the way to clin­ical stud­ies and, later, the approval of new drugs.

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