Together for the
Medi­cine of tomorrow

We develop our pro­jects in stra­tegic part­ner­ships – with our own know-how and a world­wide net­work in research, medi­cine and ven­ture capital.
We are look­ing for­ward to new co-operations!

Together for the Medi­cine of tomorrow

We develop our pro­jects in stra­tegic part­ner­ships – with our own know-how and a world­wide net­work in research, medi­cine and ven­ture cap­ital. We are look­ing for­ward to new co-operations!


A world­wide net­work of cooper­a­tion part­ners from pub­lic and indus­trial research insti­tu­tions forms the back­bone of many research pro­jects of ISAR Bioscience and its sci­ent­ists. Joint research and advance­ment of pro­jects is one of our char­ac­ter­ist­ics. In our col­lab­or­a­tions, we attach great import­ance to main­tain­ing the intel­lec­tual author­ship of our part­ners and to play­ing a cent­ral role in their fur­ther devel­op­ment. In this way we want to achieve our com­mon ambi­tious goals.

With some part­ners we work in loose co-oper­a­tions, with oth­ers we enter into firm links – depend­ing on the require­ments of the respect­ive pro­ject. Below you will find some examples of such alli­ances as well as inform­a­tion on our partners.

Aca­demic partners

We enter into stra­tegic part­ner­ships with aca­demic insti­tu­tions as well as companies

Part­ners in bio­tech­no­logy and industry

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