Klinikum rechts der Isar

Clinic and Poly­clinic for Internal Medi­cine I:
Car­di­ology (Prof. Dr. Karl-Lud­wig Laugwitz/Prof. Dr. Aless­andra Moretti)


The clinic spe­cial­izes in car­di­ology, angi­ology and pneu­mo­logy, i.e. heart, vas­cu­lar and lung dis­eases. Innov­at­ive ther­apies are used to treat cir­cu­lat­ory dis­orders of the heart muscle and ves­sels, but also heart valve defects and car­diac arrhythmia as well as all lung diseases.
For many dec­ades the clinic has been known for its suc­cess­ful basic and clin­ical sci­ence at a high level. It par­ti­cip­ates in a large num­ber of clin­ical stud­ies and thus makes an import­ant con­tri­bu­tion to the devel­op­ment of mod­ern ther­apies and their safety.
A spe­cial focus is the Chair of Regen­er­at­ive Medi­cine of Car­di­ovas­cu­lar Dis­eases (Prof. Dr. Aless­andra Mor­etti). The ambi­tious goal of this research is to develop regen­er­at­ive thera­peutic approaches such as the intro­duc­tion of stem cells or dif­fer­en­ti­ated cells derived from stem cells into the defect­ive organ or the stim­u­la­tion of endo­gen­ous regen­er­a­tion pro­cesses. Numer­ous basic sci­entific ques­tions still need to be answered before a suc­cess­ful trans­la­tion can be achieved. The research group is work­ing on this using state-of-the-art sci­entific methods.


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