Research net­work for small and medium-sized enter­prises will fund the devel­op­ment of new ther­apies for autoim­mune diseases

© Rasi Bha­d­ramani, iStock

Research net­work for small and medium-sized enter­prises will fund the devel­op­ment of new ther­apies for autoim­mune diseases

With its devel­op­ment pro­ject GO-Immun for the treat­ment of autoim­mune dis­eases, ISAR Bioscience has once again been able to con­vince a renowned fund­ing agency. The pro­ject spon­sor AIF has announced the fund­ing of the pro­ject as part of the Cent­ral Innov­a­tion Pro­gram for SMEs (ZIM) of the Fed­eral Min­istry for Eco­nomic Affairs and Cli­mate Pro­tec­tion. ISAR Bioscience is devel­op­ing GO-Immun together with the team of Prof. Dr. George Kahaly at the Uni­ver­sity Med­ical Cen­ter Mainz.

The pro­ject com­bines two innov­at­ive tech­no­lo­gies for the treat­ment of autoim­mune dis­eases using the example of a com­mon thyroid dis­ease called Graves’ dis­ease. Graves’ dis­ease is triggered by autoantibod­ies; it becomes severe in many patients and can spread to the eye and is then referred to as Graves’ orbit­o­pathy (GO).

The new tech­no­lo­gies are, on the one hand, a pro­ced­ure for cre­at­ing so-called ger­minal cen­ters in cell cul­ture. Ger­minal cen­ters are small struc­tures in immune organs such as lymph nodes and the spleen, in which the cells that pro­duce anti­bod­ies mature. Until now, they could only be stud­ied in intact organ­isms. ISAR Bioscience now wants to pro­duce them in cell cul­ture without animal exper­i­ments and use them to test the devel­op­ment of new drugs.

Second, so-called Tolero-LNPs are to be developed with RNAs that are pack­aged in lipid nan­o­particles (LNP). With Tolero-LNPs, ISAR Bioscience wants to develop a new thera­peutic prin­ciple that will induce immune tol­er­ance and thus stop autoim­mune dis­eases. The new Tolero-LNPs are to be tested and optim­ized with the help of the arti­fi­cial ger­minal centers.

In the long term, ISAR Bioscience plans to fur­ther explore GO-Immun in such a way that other autoim­mune dis­eases can also be treated with this innov­at­ive method.

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