
a bridge

to health

ISAR Bioscience works with tailor-made stem cells
to bring basic med­ical research into applications.


a bridge

to health

ISAR Bioscience works with tailor-made stem cells to bring basic med­ical research into applications.


ISAR Bioscience is devel­op­ing rap­idly in a dynamic environment.
Dis­cover our research pro­jects and our company’s development.

We enter into stra­tegic part­ner­ships with aca­demic insti­tu­tions and companies.

Who we are,
what we do

ISAR Bioscience GmbH is a Bav­arian research com­pany with a world­wide net­work. We develop regen­er­at­ive ther­apies against demen­tia, heart and immune dis­eases using iPS cells.

In Focus

New cel­lu­lar nano­world discovered

A research team led by Martin Lohse has now shown how a cell can pro­cess hun­dreds of sig­nals sim­ul­tan­eously. The new res­ults, pub­lished in the pres­ti­gi­ous journal “Cell”, will open up a com­pletely new field of research in cell biology.