Con­sor­tium Meet­ing of the BASE Lipid Project

In Evonik‘s Tech­no­logy Cen­ter at Hanau.

Con­sor­tium Meet­ing of the BASE Lipid Project

Sci­ent­ists of the BASE-Lipid con­sor­tium met for two days at Evonik’s Hanau site to fur­ther coordin­ate their joint research. Research­ers from Bayer, Evonik, NGP Poly­mers, the Uni­ver­sit­ies of Jena and Würzburg, and ISAR Bioscience are col­lab­or­at­ing in this future-ori­ented pro­ject to invest­ig­ate and develop effi­cient and safe poly­mer-based spe­cial lip­ids for RNA drugs of the future. Novel spe­cial lip­ids are to be used to stably “pack­age” RNA drugs and deliver them spe­cific­ally to the tar­get organs where they are to exert their effects. The pro­ject is fun­ded by the Ger­man Fed­eral Min­istry of Eco­nom­ics and Tech­no­logy with an amount in the double-digit millions.

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