Lead Dis­cov­ery Cen­ter (LDC)

Dortmund and Planegg near Munich (Dr. Bert Klebl)

The Lead Dis­cov­ery Cen­ter GmbH (LDC) was foun­ded by Max Planck Innov­a­tion and the Max Planck Soci­ety to bet­ter exploit the poten­tial of excel­lent basic research. The aim is to pro­fes­sion­ally trans­fer prom­ising research pro­jects into the devel­op­ment of new drugs.
With a team of exper­i­enced sci­ent­ists, drug dis­cov­ery experts and pro­ject man­agers in the work­ing groups Medi­cinal Chem­istry, Assay Devel­op­ment & Screen­ing, Bio­logy and Phar­ma­co­logy, the LDC offers all ser­vices in the field of drug dis­cov­ery – from tar­get (bio­lo­gical tar­get struc­ture) to lead (chem­ical lead struc­ture) – accord­ing to the highest industry stand­ards. As an inde­pend­ent, com­mer­cially ori­ented com­pany, the LDC col­lab­or­ates with research insti­tu­tions, uni­ver­sit­ies and industry. It takes up prom­ising research pro­jects at early stages of devel­op­ment and jointly devel­ops them fur­ther into act­ive phar­ma­ceut­ical ingredi­ents that already provide proof-of-concept in animal studies.


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