Dys­reg­u­la­tion of the immune system

Dys­reg­u­la­tion of the immune system

Our immune sys­tem has to dis­tin­guish exactly what belongs to our body and what is for­eign to it. Some­times this dis­tinc­tion does not func­tion and the immune sys­tem reacts either too strongly or too weakly. This con­trib­utes to many (auto)immune dis­eases, includ­ing dis­eases in which the body attacks itself.

ISAR Bioscience’s research aims to restore a healthy bal­ance of the immune sys­tem. To this end, immune cells derived from induced pluri­po­tent stem cells (iPS) are being gen­er­ated to test them for the treat­ment of (auto)immune diseases.

Novel pep­tides (pro­tein frag­ments) have also been designed; they are inten­ded to advance the ther­apy of autoim­mune dis­eases. The pep­tides are sup­posed to cre­ate a healthy tol­er­ance to a harm­less anti­gen and thus pre­vent excess­ive reac­tions of the immune system.


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