New mem­ber of the super­vis­ory board

New mem­ber of the super­vis­ory board

Angelika Lep­pert appoin­ted by the Board of Dir­ect­ors of the Found­a­tion for Stem Cell Research and Regen­er­at­ive Medi­cine as a new mem­ber of the Super­vis­ory Board of ISAR Bioscience.
The busi­ness eco­nom­ist has been Man­aging Dir­ector (CFO) of KUPANDO GmbH since the end of 2021, a bio­phar­ma­ceut­ical com­pany ded­ic­ated to the treat­ment of can­cer and infec­tious dis­eases, since the end of 2021. After study­ing busi­ness admin­is­tra­tion at an inter­na­tional level, she worked as a con­sult­ant at Roland Ber­ger. In 1999, she joined Medi­Gene AG, where she man­aged the pre­par­a­tion and exe­cu­tion of the IPO and sup­por­ted M&A trans­ac­tions. From 2006, she worked as a con­sult­ant in the areas of cor­por­ate fin­ance, strategy facil­it­a­tion, organ­iz­a­tional devel­op­ment and com­mu­nic­a­tion, as well as a start-up coach.

“I am very pleased that Mrs. Lep­pert will be con­trib­ut­ing her busi­ness exper­i­ence,” said Martin Lohse, CEO of ISAR Bioscience, wel­com­ing the new mem­ber to the super­vis­ory board. ”She will provide import­ant impetus for our eco­nomic development.”

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