New mem­ber of the foundation’s board of directors

Dr. Bar­bara Krebs-Pohl Mem­ber of the Found­a­tion Board

New mem­ber of the foundation’s board of directors

Dr. Bar­bara Krebs-Pohl suc­ceeds Prof. Her­bert Wald­mann on the foundation’s board of dir­ect­ors, who is end­ing his term on the board of dir­ect­ors with his retirement.

Dr. Bar­bara Krebs-Pohl, a chem­ist, has been work­ing at MorphoSys in Planegg/Munich for over two dec­ades, ini­tially as a bio­chem­ist and for many years as Chief Integ­ra­tion Officer and later as Chief Busi­ness Officer. She led the acquis­i­tion and integ­ra­tion of Con­stel­la­tion Phar­ma­ceut­ic­als into MorphoSys and was respons­ible for the acquis­i­tion of MorphoSys by Novartis. She will now lead the foundation’s board of dir­ect­ors together with Prof. Horst Domdey.

“I am very pleased that Dr. Krebs-Pohl is join­ing us with her extens­ive exper­i­ence in sci­ence and busi­ness devel­op­ment and I am extremely pleased about this enrich­ment,” said Martin Lohse, Chair­man and CEO of ISAR Bioscience, wel­com­ing the new mem­ber to the foundation’s board. ”And I would like to thank Prof. Wald­mann for his valu­able sup­port dur­ing the found­ing phase of ISAR Bioscience.”

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