Jörn Erselius PhDDeputy Chairman; Managing Director Max Planck Innovation GmbH

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    Jörn Erselius has been Man­aging Dir­ector of Max Planck Innov­a­tion GmbH, the tech­no­logy trans­fer insti­tu­tion of the Max Planck Soci­ety, since the end of 2005. After com­plet­ing his doctorate in bio­logy under Peter Gruss, he joined Max Planck Innov­a­tion GmbH (formerly Garch­ing Innov­a­tion GmbH) in 1991 as Pat­ent and License Man­ager. He then estab­lished the new Life Sci­ences busi­ness unit there. After com­plet­ing a part-time Mas­ter of Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion (MBA) degree course, he was appoin­ted head of the licens­ing divi­sion in early 2005. Jörn Erselius super­vised numer­ous com­pany spin-offs from the Max Planck Soci­ety (includ­ing Evotec, Sci­enion, Alnylam and Vaxxilon).

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