Chris­tian Stein PhDManaging Director Ascenion GmbH

    About us  >  Super­vis­ory Board

    Chris­tian Stein has been man­aging dir­ector of Ascen­ion GmbH since 2001. The inde­pend­ent tech­no­logy trans­fer com­pany with a focus on life sci­ences is a part­ner of numer­ous research insti­tu­tions, uni­ver­sit­ies and uni­ver­sity hos­pit­als in Ger­many and Europe. Prior to this, he headed the Pat­ent and Licens­ing Agency (PLA) in the Ger­man Human Gen­ome Pro­ject (DHGP) at the Fraunhofer Pat­ent Office for Ger­man Research for sev­eral years. Chris­tian Stein has foun­ded a num­ber of bio­tech­no­logy and other com­pan­ies and is a con­sult­ant and reviewer in vari­ous EU pro­jects, in regional and national expert groups and with sev­eral biotech com­pan­ies. From 2014 to 2016 he was pres­id­ent of the largest European tech­no­logy trans­fer asso­ci­ation, ASTP, and since 2016 he has been a mem­ber of the board of the Ger­man Asso­ci­ation for Know­ledge and Tech­no­logy Trans­fer, the Trans­fer­Al­li­anz. Chris­tian Stein holds a doctorate in molecu­lar bio­logy and obtained a Mas­ter of Sci­ence (MSc) in Man­age­ment of Intel­lec­tual Prop­erty Law in London.

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