Her­mann NafzigerMayor of Planegg

    About us  >  Super­vis­ory Board

    Her­mann Nafzi­ger has been mayor of Planegg near Munich, the headquar­ters of ISAR Bioscience, since 2020. Through this office he is a mem­ber of the super­vis­ory board. The pro­ject man­ager and tech­ni­cian has been a mem­ber of the muni­cipal coun­cil since 2008 and was deputy mayor for many years. In March 2020, he won the run­off elec­tion for the mayor’s office. His muni­cip­al­ity is home to numer­ous renowned research insti­tutes and bio­tech­no­logy com­pan­ies in its dis­tricts of Mar­tin­sried and Steinkirchen and is con­sidered a cen­ter for life sci­ences and bio­tech­no­logy in Germany.

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