Dr. Karsten BräukerHead Law

    About us  >  Management

    Karsten Bräuker stud­ied law in Bochum and Bonn. After his first state exam­in­a­tion, he obtained his Mas­ter Degree in Edin­burgh. After his second state exam­in­a­tion in Trier, he began his pro­fes­sional career in Lux­em­bourg, where he gained exper­i­ence in cor­por­ate and cap­ital mar­kets law at an invest­ment bank. In 2001, the doc­tor of law’s own entre­pren­eur­ial activ­it­ies led him to Munich, where he was jointly respons­ible for organ­iz­ing Europe’s first purely Inter­net-based con­gress. In the fol­low­ing years, entre­pren­eur­ial and legal activ­it­ies altern­ated, some­times merged, and in their entirety led to addi­tional inter­dis­cip­lin­ary exper­i­ence in the set-up and struc­tur­ing of start-ups as well as their sup­port in fin­an­cing rounds and exits.

    Karsten Bräuker joined ISAR Bioscience in August 2021 and is respons­ible for the legal area and the sup­port of invest­ments. As a pas­sion­ate moun­tain biker, he enjoys spend­ing his free time, but not only, in the mountains.

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