Prof. Dr. George KahalyProfessor, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, 1st Medical Clinic and Polyclinic, University of Mainz

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    Pro­fessor George Kahaly M.D., Ph.D., is a senior phys­i­cian at the Depart­ment of Endo­crino­logy and Meta­bolic Dis­eases at the I. Med­ical Clinic and Poly­clinic of the Uni­ver­sity of Mainz. He dir­ects the Endo­crine and Thyroid Autoim­munity Pro­gram in the Endo­crino­logy Out­pa­tient Clinic, is Chair of the ORPHAN Expert Centre for Graves’ Orbit­o­pathy and Autoim­mune Poly­en­do­crino­pathy and dir­ects the Molecu­lar Thyroid Research Labor­at­ory. George Kahaly has authored about 330 ori­ginal art­icles and reviews. He has received numer­ous awards for his research, includ­ing the Amer­ican Asso­ci­ation of Clin­ical Endo­crino­lo­gists / Amer­ican Col­lege of Endo­crino­logy (AACE/ACE) Endo­crino­logy Award and the Brit­ish Thyroid Asso­ci­ation Medal (George Mur­ray Award). Kahaly is co-editor of major journ­als and co-organ­iser of inter­na­tional con­gresses. He serves as a board mem­ber of the European Group of Graves’ Orbit­o­pathy (EUGOGO) and has been act­ive in vari­ous com­mit­tees of the Amer­ican Thyroid Asso­ci­ation for many years.

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