Dr. Franz BergmannProject Coordination BASE-Lipid and Head Finance

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    Franz Bergmann stud­ied bioin­form­at­ics at the Tech­nical Uni­ver­sity of Munich and Lud­wig Max­imili­ans Uni­ver­sity Munich. Already dur­ing his stud­ies he worked as a junior con­sult­ant in the field of data­bases & report­ing. He com­pleted his doctorate in micro­bi­o­logy and iso­tope geo­chem­istry at the Helm­holtzZen­trum München and TU München. Sub­sequently, he worked as a life sci­ence con­sult­ant with a focus on due dili­gence eval­u­ation, mar­ket ana­lysis and drug logist­ics. Join­ing advance­COR GmbH in 2012, he took over the hand­ling of pro­ject trans­fer in the con­text of the sale to Janssen-CIL­AG/­John­son & John­son, as well as the man­age­ment of clin­ical devel­op­ment and GCP.

    Franz Bergmann joined the ISAR Bioscience team in Janu­ary 2021 and coordin­ates the research alli­ance “BASE-Lipid”. In addi­tion, he is respons­ible for fin­ances includ­ing third-party fund­ing as well as spin-off conception.

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