Dr. Hans-Peter HolthoffCTO

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    Hans-Peter Holthoff stud­ied chem­istry in Würzburg and received his PhD in molecu­lar genet­ics in Kon­stanz. From 2000 to 2007 he worked in the biotech com­pany Pro­Corde until its mer­ger with Tri­gen plc, Lon­don as sci­entific pro­ject leader in the field of tar­get val­id­a­tion in car­di­ovas­cu­lar dis­eases. From 2007 onwards he took over the sci­entific man­age­ment first at Cor­im­mun GmbH which was sold to Janssen-CIL­AG/­John­son & John­son in 2012 and later at advance­COR GmbH until 2020. In addi­tion to his activ­it­ies as a test man­ager for the GLP area, Hans-Peter Holthoff was mainly act­ive in the field of per­son­al­ized dia­gnostics and in clin­ical drug devel­op­ment in the field of ath­er­o­scler­o­sis and heart fail­ure. Hans-Peter Holthoff joined ISAR Bioscience in 2021 as CTO.

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