Dr. Miriam ChristlmeierDirector of the Neurodegeneration Program

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    Miriam Christl­meier stud­ied bio­logy at the Uni­ver­sity of Freiburg, focus­ing on Neuro­bi­o­logy and Immun­o­logy. Through­out her 4 years of PhD she was work­ing at research insti­tutes in Ger­many, the UK and Switzer­land and pub­lished her work in high impact journ­als. After suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of her dis­ser­ta­tion and a short post-doc­toral stay at the Depart­ment of Bio­medi­cine in Basel, she joined the Depart­ment of Prof. Chris­tian Haass at the LMU Munich. Here, she focused her research on microglia cells and invest­ig­ated the func­tion of lncRNAs in this context.

    Miriam Christl­meier joined ISAR Bioscience as one of the first mem­bers in 2018 and was instru­mental in set­ting up the labor­at­ory and estab­lish­ing the neuro­degene­ration pro­gram. Since Feb­ru­ary, 2021 she is head­ing the neuro­degene­ration pro­gram with a spe­cial focus on microglia cells.

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