Dr. Sab­rina C. Des­bordes PhDDirector of the Stem Cell Platform

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    Sab­rina C. Des­bordes is dir­ector of the Stem Cell Plat­form at ISAR Bioscience. She stud­ied Bio­logy and Chem­istry in Avignon and Mont­pel­lier in France and obtained her PhD in Genet­ics from the Uni­ver­sity of Cam­bridge, UK. After her postdoc­toral train­ing at the Memorial Sloan-Ket­ter­ing Can­cer Cen­ter in NY, USA with Dr. med. Lorenz Studer, and at the Cen­ter for Gen­omic Reg­u­la­tion in Bar­celona, Spain, she star­ted her own research group at the Helm­holtz Zen­trum München in 2012. Soon after, she cre­ated the Stem Cell-based Assay Devel­op­ment (SCADEV) plat­form, where she headed col­lab­or­at­ive pro­jects with aca­demic and indus­trial part­ners. She joined ISAR Bioscience in 2019.

    Dr. Des­bordes received sev­eral awards and fund­ing, not­ably from the Brit­ish Soci­ety of Devel­op­mental Bio­logy, the Cam­bridge European Trust, the Span­ish State Research Agency, the New York Academy of Sci­ences as well as the Deutsche Dia­betes Gesell­schaft and pub­lished in high impact journ­als. She is a pion­eer in the adapt­a­tion of human pluri­po­tent stem cells and deriv­at­ives to high-through­put screen­ing assays for drug dis­cov­ery and devel­ops innov­at­ive human stem cell products and strategies sup­port­ing vari­ous stem cell dif­fer­en­ti­ations, includ­ing the gen­er­a­tion of organoids.

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