Prof. Dr. Dominik PaquetProfessor of Neurobiology, Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research, University of Munich

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    Dominik Paquet is an expert for induced pluri­po­tent stem cells, CRISPR/Cas gen­ome engin­eer­ing and the applic­a­tion of these tech­no­lo­gies for research on neuro­de­gen­er­at­ive and neur­ovas­cu­lar dis­eases. He has been a Pro­fessor at the Uni­ver­sity of Munich and mem­ber of the Munich Cluster of Sys­tems Neur­o­logy (SyN­ergy) since 2016 and leads a research lab at the Insti­tute for Stroke and Demen­tia Research (ISD) of the Uni­ver­sity Hos­pital in Munich. Dominik Paquet holds a degree in Bio­logy from the Uni­ver­sity of Tübin­gen and a doctorate in Bio­chem­istry and Phar­ma­co­logy from the Uni­ver­sity of Munich. Pre­vi­ously, he worked for five years as a postdoc­toral fel­low with Marc Tessier-Lav­igne at The Rock­e­feller Uni­ver­sity in New York, USA, where he pub­lished sem­inal stud­ies on CRISPR/Cas gen­ome engin­eer­ing and dis­ease mod­el­ing of Alzheimer’s and related demen­tias in iPSCs.

    Dr. Paquet received sev­eral research awards includ­ing the Inter­na­tional Leda-Hanin- and Verum-Awards for Alzheimer’s Dis­ease research, the Young Invest­ig­ator Award of the Uni­versität Bay­ern, the San­ofi iAward Europe, as well as fel­low­ships from the Elite Net­work of Bav­aria, Ger­man Academy of Sci­ences Leo­pold­ina and The New York Stem Cell Foundation.

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