Dr. Tim AmmonDirector of the „Immunology“ Program

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    Tim Ammon stud­ied bio­logy with a focus on cell bio­logy and infec­tion bio­logy at Phil­ipps-Uni­versität Mar­burg. After gradu­at­ing, he suc­cess­fully con­duc­ted research on ubi­quitin-like pro­teins, pre-mRNA pro­cessing and DNA repair as part of his doc­toral thesis in the labor­at­ory of Prof. Stefan Jentsch at the Max Planck Insti­tute of Bio­chem­istry in Mar­tin­sried. Tim then moved into trans­la­tional research and worked as a postdoc in the lab of Prof. Marc Schmidt-Sup­prian at the Trans­laTUM of the Tech­nical Uni­ver­sity of Munich, where he invest­ig­ated cell-cell com­mu­nic­a­tion between immune cells and their microen­vir­on­ment dur­ing lymphomagenesis.

    Tim joined ISAR Bioscience as a sci­ent­ist in 2021 and took over the lead­er­ship of the immun­o­logy team in 2022. At ISAR Bioscience, in addi­tion to vari­ous research pro­jects in the field of immune cell gene ther­apy, he is also respons­ible for the devel­op­ment of novel meth­ods for the pro­duc­tion of stem cell-derived immune cells.

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