Dr. Chris­topher BreunigDirector of the „Genome Engineering“ Program

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    Chris­topher Bre­unig stud­ied molecu­lar bio­logy and bio­chem­istry at the Uni­ver­sity of Bayreuth and the Uni­ver­sity of Edin­burgh. From 2015 to 2019 he worked with Prof. Stefan Stricker and Prof. Mag­dalena Götz at the Helm­holtz Cen­ter and the Bio­med­ical Cen­ter in Munich which peaked in receiv­ing a PhD from LMU. Dur­ing this time, he developed and imple­men­ted novel CRISPR tools, to push the bound­ar­ies of this out­stand­ing tech­no­logy even fur­ther. These tech­niques found applic­a­tion in vari­ous pub­lic­a­tions all over the world. Chris­topher joined ISAR Bioscience and the Gen­ome Engin­eer­ing team in early 2020 as a sci­ent­ist and leads the team since 2022. At ISAR Chris­topher is respons­ible for the genetic modi­fic­a­tion of cells and sup­ports internal devel­op­ment of dis­ease mod­els and cell ther­apies, as well as cus­tom­ers and external collaborators.

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