Prof. Martin Ungerer, MDChief Scientific Officer

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    Martin Ungerer is a phys­i­cian and car­di­olo­gist. He stud­ied at the Uni­ver­sity of Munich and spent an aca­demic year in France. After a post-doc­toral stay at the Max Planck Insti­tute for Biochemistry/Gene Cen­ter, Mar­tin­sried, he com­pleted his spe­cial­ist train­ing as an intern­ist and car­di­olo­gist at the Klinikum rechts der Isar and Ger­man Heart Cen­ter of the TU Munich, where he also did his habil­it­a­tion. From 2000 onwards, he foun­ded biotech com­pan­ies together with col­leagues and man­aged them as Chief Scientific/Medical Officer and Man­aging Dir­ector: Pro­Corde GmbH until its mer­ger with Tri­gen plc, Lon­don, Cor­im­mun GmbH, which was sold to Janssen-CIL­AG/­John­son & John­son in 2012, and advance­COR GmbH. In these com­pan­ies he was respons­ible for the trans­la­tion of research pro­jects from pre­clin­ical stud­ies to clin­ical phase I and II stud­ies in the fields of car­di­ovas­cu­lar dis­eases and immun­o­logy. Martin Ungerer has also con­tinu­ously been work­ing in patient care on a part-time basis and is a pro­fessor of medi­cine at the Uni­ver­sity of Würzburg.

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