Prof. Martin Lohse, MD DSc h.c.Chairman

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    Martin Lohse is Chair­man of ISAR Bioscience. He stud­ied medi­cine and philo­sophy at the Uni­ver­sit­ies of Göt­tin­gen, Lon­don and Paris and did research at the Uni­ver­sit­ies of Bonn, Heidel­berg, Durham (NC, USA) and at the Gene Cen­ter Munich. Since 1993 he has been Pro­fessor of Phar­ma­co­logy at the Uni­ver­sity of Würzburg, where he foun­ded and dir­ec­ted the Rudolf Virchow Cen­ter. From 2016 to 2019 he was dir­ector of the Max Del­brück Cen­ter in Ber­lin. He is also hon­or­ary pro­fessor of bio­chem­istry at the Free Uni­ver­sity Berlin.
    Martin Lohse has received numer­ous national and inter­na­tional awards, includ­ing the Leib­niz prize, the highest dis­tinc­tion in Ger­man sci­ence, and the Fed­eral and Bav­arian Orders of merit. He is a mem­ber of many academies of sci­ence and was Vice-Pres­id­ent of the National Academy of Sci­ences Leo­pold­ina from 2009 to 2019. Since 2019 he has been Pres­id­ent of the Soci­ety of Ger­man Nat­ural Sci­ent­ists and Phys­i­cians (GDNÄ).
    Martin Lohse is one of the founders of the bio­tech­no­logy com­pan­ies Pro­Corde, Cor­Im­mun and advance­COR. His sci­entific interests include drug research and in par­tic­u­lar the invest­ig­a­tion of recept­ors as tar­gets for novel drugs for dis­eases of the car­di­ovas­cu­lar and nervous systems.

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