Prof. Mag­dalena Götz PhDDirector of the Institute of Stem Cell Research, Helmholtz Center Munich

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    Mag­dalena Götz is one of the most import­ant stem cell research­ers. After her doctorate in Tübin­gen, she was a postdoc at the NIMR, Mill Hill, Lon­don and at SmithK­line Beecham in Har­low, U.K., and then a research group leader at Max Planck Insti­tutes in Göt­tin­gen and Munich. Since 2004 she has been Dir­ector of the Insti­tute for Stem Cell Research at the Helm­holtz Centre in Munich and since 2011 she has held a research pro­fess­or­ship in Physiolo­gical Gen­om­ics at the Uni­ver­sity of Munich.
    Mag­dalena Götz has been awar­ded numer­ous prizes, includ­ing the Leib­niz Prize of the DFG and the Fed­eral Cross of Merit. She is a mem­ber of EMBO, the Bav­arian Academy of Sci­ences and Human­it­ies, the Leo­pold­ina and the Aca­demia Euro­paea and has twice been awar­ded fund­ing by the European Research Coun­cil, ERC. She is a mem­ber of numer­ous sci­entific advis­ory boards of research insti­tu­tions, includ­ing the fol­low­ing insti­tu­tions: Max Del­brück Centre in Ber­lin, Max Planck Insti­tute for Molecu­lar Cell Bio­logy and Genet­ics in Dresden, MRC Neurodevel­op­ment Centre Lon­don, National Centre of Com­pet­ence in Research in Zurich, Neth­er­lands Insti­tute for Neuroscience.

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