Mil­lions in fund­ing for new ther­apy against Covid-19

Mil­lions in fund­ing for new ther­apy against Covid-19

The Ger­man Fed­eral Min­istry of Edu­ca­tion and Research (BMBF) has announced the win­ners in the com­pet­i­tion for new ther­apies against Covid-19. At the fore­front is the joint pro­ject of rnat­ics, a spin-off of the Tech­nical Uni­ver­sity of Munich (TUM), and ISAR Bioscience.

The pro­ject aims to effect­ively com­bat inflam­ma­tion of the lungs triggered by coronavir­uses. To this end, novel molecules have been developed that can be used to spe­cific­ally reduce the activ­ity of cer­tain mac­ro­phages in the lungs.

The BMBF will fund the pro­ject with almost seven mil­lion euros. ISAR Bioscience has been involved in the pro­ject since 2020 and will con­trib­ute about one mil­lion euros to the pro­ject over the fund­ing period. The first task will be to com­plete stud­ies on the safety of the novel drug. Sub­sequently, a first clin­ical trial with Covid-19 patients will be con­duc­ted. In August 2021, the respons­ible reg­u­lat­ory author­ity, the Ger­man Fed­eral Office for Drugs and Med­ical Devices (BfArM), had cleared the way for the com­ple­tion of pre­clin­ical devel­op­ment and for ini­tial clin­ical tri­als (phase 1a/b).

“We are very pleased with the suc­cess in the com­pet­i­tion for new Covid ther­apies. This shows that the found­ing idea of ISAR Bioscience is suc­cess­ful: to accom­pany pro­jects from basic sci­ence to spin-offs”, says Pro­fessor Martin Lohse, CEO of the Bav­arian research com­pany. “Based on many years of work by our cooper­a­tion part­ner, Prof. Stefan Engel­hardt, at the Uni­ver­sit­ies of Würzburg and TUM, a com­pletely novel ther­apy for Covid-19, but pos­sibly also for other lung dis­eases, is now about to enter clin­ical tri­als. We at ISAR Bioscience are enthu­si­ast­ic­ally par­ti­cip­at­ing in the fur­ther devel­op­ment of this prom­ising thera­peutic concept.”

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