Prof. Dr. Hans R. Schöler

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    Born in Toronto, the stem cell researcher stud­ied bio­logy in Heidel­berg and did his doctorate there at the Centre for Molecu­lar Bio­logy, ZMBH. After two years as a research group leader at Boehringer Man­nheim (now Roche) in Tutz­ing, he was a research assist­ant to Peter Gruss at the Max Planck Insti­tute for Bio­phys­ical Chem­istry in Göt­tin­gen for three years, and then led a research group at EMBL in Heidel­berg for eight years. From 1999 to 2004 he was Pro­fessor of Repro­duct­ive Medi­cine at the Uni­ver­sity of Pennsylvania in Phil­adelphia. Since 2004, he has been dir­ector at the Max Planck Insti­tute for Molecu­lar Bio­medi­cine and pro­fessor at the Uni­ver­sity of Münster.
    Hans Schöler’s main research focus is the bio­logy of germ line cells. He has dis­covered a key factor for the pluri­po­tency of human embryonic cells (Oct4) and is work­ing on con­vert­ing body cells back into pluri­po­tent stem cells. He has been awar­ded numer­ous (inter)national hon­ours, is an asso­ci­ate pro­fessor at the Han­nover Med­ical School and Konkuk Uni­ver­sity in Seoul and a mem­ber of many academies of sci­ence, includ­ing the Leo­pold­ina. He has led numer­ous research pro­jects and has been awar­ded an Advanced Grant from the ERC, among others.

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