Dr. Felix SchusterCo-Leader of the „Stem Cell” Platform

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    Felix Schuster stud­ied veter­in­ary medi­cine at the Jus­tus Liebig Uni­ver­sity Giessen and the Uni­ver­sity of Turin, Italy. Dur­ing his PhD at the Friedrich-Loeffler-Insti­tute, he spe­cial­ized in mam­malian clon­ing by somatic nuc­lear trans­fer and gen­ome engin­eer­ing. After suc­cess­fully com­plet­ing his dis­ser­ta­tion, he worked at Kli­fo­vet AG in Munich as a pro­ject man­ager for clin­ical trials.

    Felix Schuster joined ISAR Bioscience in March 2021 as a Stem Cell Plat­form sci­ent­ist. There he worked on dif­fer­en­ti­ations of stem cells to vari­ous car­diac muscle cells as well as car­diac organoids. Since March 2023 he leads the Stem Cell Plat­form together with Dr. Lilia Espada and con­tin­ues the estab­lish­ment of new stem cell models.

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