Mil­lions in fund­ing for research alli­ance on RNA medicines

Mil­lions in fund­ing for research alli­ance on RNA medicines

The Ger­man Fed­eral Min­istry of Eco­nom­ics and Cli­mate Pro­tec­tion (BMWK) will be fund­ing a future-ori­ented pro­ject coordin­ated by ISAR Bioscience to invest­ig­ate and develop effi­cient and safe poly­mer-based spe­cial lip­ids for RNA drugs. The sup­port will total almost 13 mil­lion euros. Part­ners in this research alli­ance are the Julius Max­imilian Uni­ver­sity of Würzburg and the Friedrich Schiller Uni­ver­sity of Jena, the start-up com­pany NGP Poly­mers in Jena, as well as Evonik and Bayer AG.

The Corona pan­demic has shown the use­ful­ness of ribo­nuc­leic acids (RNAs) for the pro­duc­tion of highly effect­ive vac­cines. Now, part­ners from industry and uni­ver­sit­ies aim to invest­ig­ate whether also new drugs can be developed on this basis. To this end, the new research net­work wants to explore novel spe­cial lip­ids for RNA drugs, based on new phar­ma­ceut­ical poly­mers and lipid com­pon­ents. They are inten­ded to stably pack­age RNA drugs, to tar­get them spe­cific­ally to cer­tain organs that have been dif­fi­cult to reach so far, and to release them there after cel­lu­lar uptake. The ulti­mate goal is to achieve tis­sue-spe­cific dis­tri­bu­tion and effects.

The Ger­man Fed­eral Min­istry of Eco­nom­ics and Cli­mate Pro­tec­tion, through its pro­ject agency vdi/vde, has announced that it will fund the research con­sor­tium with nearly 13 mil­lion euros over the next three years. ISAR Bioscience alone will receive around 5 mil­lion euros.

The pro­ject com­mit­ment is part of an ini­ti­at­ive to pro­mote RNA-based tech­no­lo­gies. These tech­no­lo­gies should be fur­ther advanced in Ger­many, and pro­duc­tion facil­it­ies should be estab­lished so that the reagents required for future vac­cines as well as for new RNA-based drugs can be quickly pro­duced within Germany.

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