Hon­or­ary doctorate from the Uni­ver­sity of Glasgow for Martin Lohse

Hon­or­ary doctorate from the Uni­ver­sity of Glasgow for Martin Lohse

The Uni­ver­sity of Glasgow has awar­ded an hon­or­ary doctorate of sci­ence, DSc, to the head of ISAR Bioscience on the occa­sion of its Com­mem­or­a­tion Day. At its delib­er­ately pro-European found­ing cel­eb­ra­tion, the uni­ver­sity presen­ted sev­eral such awards for excel­lence in sci­ence and its communication.

In his laud­a­tion, Pro­fessor Graeme Mil­ligan described Lohse as one of the world’s lead­ing receptor research­ers and phar­ma­co­lo­gists. His fun­da­mental con­tri­bu­tions showed how recept­ors func­tion and how they are reg­u­lated. In this way, he said, the Munich phar­ma­co­lo­gist had laid the found­a­tion for the devel­op­ment of innov­at­ive drugs. He is also known for his abil­ity to develop new the­or­ies and explain com­plex issues in simple terms. With his work­ing group, Martin Lohse foun­ded a sci­entific “school” whose mem­bers now hold lead­ing pos­i­tions in sci­ence and the phar­ma­ceut­ical industry, not only in Ger­many but through­out Europe, espe­cially in Great Bri­tain and Scot­land, in Asia and in the USA.

Together with Martin Lohse, other sci­ent­ists were honored with hon­or­ary doc­tor­ates: the jur­ist Mary Robin­son, former Pres­id­ent of Ire­land and UN High Com­mis­sioner for Human Rights, the eco­nom­ist Mario Monti, former EU Com­mis­sioner and Italian Prime Min­is­ter from 2011 to 2013, and Johann-Diet­rich Wörner, Dir­ector Gen­eral of the European Space Agency (ESA) until 2021 and cur­rently Pres­id­ent of the Ger­man Academy of Sci­ence and Engin­eer­ing (acat­ech).

Dame Kath­er­ine Grainger, chan­cel­lor of the uni­ver­sity, high­lighted the import­ance of the honorees to European sci­ence. “With the hon­or­ary doc­tor­ates, we not only want to honor and cel­eb­rate these incred­ible sci­ent­ists, but at the same time strengthen our university’s ties in Europe.”

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