Change in management

Change in management

Johanna Boeck-Heuwinkel becomes chan­cel­lor of the Düs­sel­dorf Art Academy

Johanna Boeck-Heuwinkel, pre­vi­ously Head of Fin­ance and Legal at ISAR Bioscience, becomes the first Chan­cel­lor of the fam­ous Kunstakademie Düs­sel­dorf. We con­grat­u­late her on her new task and wish her all the best!

Dr. Chris­ti­ane Schiegerl will take over as Head of Admin­is­tra­tion at ISAR Bioscience. She holds a doctorate in chem­istry and before join­ing ISAR Bioscience worked as a sci­entific admin­is­trator at PNSenor and PNDetector, which were foun­ded in the envir­on­ment of the Max Planck Society.

Dr.jur. Karsten Bräuker, LL.M., is respons­ible for the legal depart­ment. He has many years of exper­i­ence in inter­na­tional cor­por­a­tions as well as in inde­pend­ent law firm and entre­pren­eur­ial activ­it­ies. Karsten Bräuker has worked for Max Planck Innov­a­tion and Lead Dis­cov­ery Cen­ter GmbH, among others.

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