Super­vis­ory Board extends con­tract with Pro­fessor Lohse for another five years

Prof. Dr. Martin Lohse

Super­vis­ory Board extends con­tract with Pro­fessor Lohse for another five years

The Super­vis­ory Board of ISAR Bioscience has exten­ded the con­tract with Pro­fessor Lohse as Man­aging Dir­ector (Chair­man) for another five years. “We are pleased and grate­ful to have such a recog­nized sci­ent­ist at the helm of ISAR Bioscience,” said Super­vis­ory Board Chair­man Dr. Man­fred Wolter at the sign­ing of the con­tract. “In a short time and des­pite the Corona pan­demic, he has suc­ceeded in bring­ing national and inter­na­tional atten­tion to ISAR Bioscience.” Pro­fessor Lohse said there are many reas­ons to be optim­istic about the future. “We want to show that the ISAR Bioscience model is the right way to bring basic research dis­cov­er­ies into the devel­op­ment of novel drugs. We are grate­ful to our uni­ver­sity and clin­ical part­ners for their col­lab­or­at­ive work and are con­fid­ent that our approach and our work can lead to new ther­apies and dia­gnostic procedures.”

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