UniS­ens team at the i-GPCR­net Not­ting­ham July 2024

UniS­ens team at the i-GPCR­net Not­ting­ham July 2024

The Inter­na­tio­nal Rese­arch Net­work (IRN) on GPCRs, i-GPCR­net, is hos­ting its annual mee­ting in Not­ting­ham, UK on July 8-10, 2024. The UniS­ens pro­ject will be pro­mo­ted through invi­ted talks by Mar­tine Smit and Chris Scha­fer of the VUA. The coor­di­na­tor Mar­tha Som­mer will also be pre­sent in Not­ting­ham to pro­mote the pro­ject con­cept and net­work for future col­la­bo­ra­tion and explo­ita­tion opportunities.


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