UniS­ens Pro­ject Kick-off Mee­ting in Bayrischzell

UniS­ens Pro­ject Kick-off Mee­ting in Bayrischzell

The UniS­ens Kick-off Mee­ting took place in Bay­risch­zell, Ger­many, on Febru­ary 18-20, 2024. The mee­ting was chai­red by Mar­tha Som­mer from ISAR Bioscience. Thir­teen peo­ple repre­sen­ting all 7 part­ners were pre­sent, and an addi­tio­nal fif­teen team mem­bers and guests joi­ned vir­tually. The onsite group enjoyed the wel­come recep­tion on Sun­day evening inclu­ding tra­di­tio­nal Ger­man games like ‘Eis­tock’ and local Bava­rian food and drink. The mee­ting sci­en­ti­fic ses­si­ons las­ted from Mon­day mor­ning until Tues­day luncht­ime and were very pro­duc­tive. Tog­e­ther our con­sor­tium char­ted the path for­ward for the UniS­ens project.

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