Inno­va­tive Bioimaging

Inno­va­tive Bioimaging

Inno­va­tive Bio­ima­ging is a Czech SME com­mer­cia­li­zing new, pro­mi­sing tech­no­lo­gies in opti­cal micro­scopy. The com­pany is based on the dis­co­veries of Josef Lazar and his team at the Labo­ra­tory of Advan­ced Opti­cal Micro­scopy at the Charles Uni­ver­sity Prague.

​The com­pany pro­vi­des equip­ment and soft­ware for laser-scan­ning pola­riza­tion micro­scopy. It is curr­ently in the pro­cess of com­mer­cia­li­sing novel gene­ti­cally encoded fluo­re­s­cent pro­bes that allow sen­si­tive obser­va­tions of the acti­vi­ties of GPCRs, G pro­te­ins, small GTPa­ses, arrestins, recep­tor tyro­sine kina­ses and other signal­ling proteins.

Inno­va­tive Bio­ima­ging is actively deve­lo­ping novel, fast and sen­si­tive pola­riza­tion micro­scopy solu­ti­ons and will con­tri­bute their exper­tise and instru­men­ta­tion to deve­lop the UniS­ens technology.

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