Celtarys Research
Celtarys Research is a newly created company focused on the development of innovative chemical tools that improve High Throughput Screening (HTS) efficiency in early drug discovery. As a spin-off of the University of Santiago de Compostela, our company sprang from the work of Prof. Eddy Sotelo, Dr. Jhonny Azuaje, and Dr. Maria Majellaro developing a proprietary conjugation technology that allows fluorophores, ligands, linkers, or other functional modules to be combined in a green and efficient workflow. Celtarys has successfully exploited its patent and now offers a portfolio of >30 fluorescent GPCR ligands as well as customized development projects for pharmaceutical companies, CROs, and academic groups.
Celtarys co-founder and CSO Dr. Maria Majellaro is a Work Package Leader within the UniSens Project and promotes equality and diversity in our consortium by taking part in the EIC Women Leadership Programme. The Celtarys team is comprised of highly qualified and motivated medicinal and organic chemists. These include recent arrivals Dr. Paolo Destito (far right in picture below) and Dr. Adrián Robles (far left), both experts in organic chemistry with high proficiency in designing and optimizing synthetic strategies. Along with Dr. Maria Majellaro (second from left) and Prof. Eddy Sotelo (second from right), this team will generate innovative fluorescent reagents required for development of the UniSens technology platform.