Cel­ta­rys Research

Cel­ta­rys Research

Cel­ta­rys Rese­arch is a newly crea­ted com­pany focu­sed on the deve­lo­p­ment of inno­va­tive che­mi­cal tools that improve High Through­put Scree­ning (HTS) effi­ci­ency in early drug dis­co­very. As a spin-off of the Uni­ver­sity of Sant­iago de Com­pos­tela, our com­pany sprang from the work of Prof. Eddy Sotelo, Dr. Jhonny Azu­aje, and Dr. Maria Majel­laro deve­lo­ping a pro­prie­tary con­ju­ga­tion tech­no­logy that allows fluo­ro­pho­res, ligands, lin­kers, or other func­tional modu­les to be com­bi­ned in a green and effi­ci­ent work­flow. Cel­ta­rys has suc­cessfully exploi­ted its patent and now offers a port­fo­lio of >30 fluo­re­s­cent GPCR ligands as well as cus­to­mi­zed deve­lo­p­ment pro­jects for phar­maceu­ti­cal com­pa­nies, CROs, and aca­de­mic groups.

Cel­ta­rys co-foun­der and CSO Dr. Maria Majel­laro is a Work Package Lea­der within the UniS­ens Pro­ject and pro­mo­tes equa­lity and diver­sity in our con­sor­tium by taking part in the EIC Women Lea­der­ship Pro­gramme. The Cel­ta­rys team is com­pri­sed of highly qua­li­fied and moti­va­ted medi­cinal and orga­nic che­mists. These include recent arri­vals Dr. Paolo Destito (far right in pic­ture below) and Dr. Adrián Robles (far left), both experts in orga­nic che­mis­try with high pro­fi­ci­ency in desig­ning and opti­mi­zing syn­the­tic stra­te­gies. Along with Dr. Maria Majel­laro (second from left) and Prof. Eddy Sotelo (second from right), this team will gene­rate inno­va­tive fluo­re­s­cent reagents requi­red for deve­lo­p­ment of the UniS­ens tech­no­logy platform.

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